What does Jesus' invitation mean?
When Jesus issues the invitation “Come to me” the first thing He promises is that He will give rest. What does that word mean?
Previously we talked about the ‘rest’ of God – a rest of satisfaction and repose. Today let’s look at the Greek for the word Jesus uses here: “anapauo” cessation from labor, to repose, to refresh, to take ease (Strongs). There is a word-picture I came across in my studies last year that I particularly love (apologies for neglecting to record the source!): “Rest” implies “relaxing or letting down of cords or strings which have been strained or drawn tight.” Does that not sound like the state of so many… ‘tightly wound’… anxious…on the edge …overcommitted … overwhelmed…?
What is the solution? Come to Jesus. Well, what does THAT mean? How do I do that? This word for ‘come’is “deute”,which actually links ‘come’ with ‘follow’. So it is a coming to Him in order to follow Him. Unfortunately, many ‘come’ to Him to get their ‘ticket to heaven’ but have no intent to follow Him. That is not what Jesus means here.
It is only to those who come to Jesus with the intent to follow Him (discipleship relationship) that He gives rest. Ease. Repose. Why? Because to follow Jesus is to surrender to His Lordship. His leadership. To give up control of my life to the One who gave me life. To ‘lose’ my life for His: Luke 9:24 “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.” It is THAT person who is able to receive the ‘rest’ of Jesus because s/he has stopped working 1) for salvation and 2) for solutions to life. It is this one who is resting in, trusting in the finished work of the Cross and God’s love, care, provision, wisdom…
We will talk more deeply about rest in its second appearance in this passage. But for today, let’s breathe a breath prayer of consecration and thanksgiving: “Jesus, I come to you”… “thank You for giving me rest”.